Our Baptism 07/22/06

Our Baptism 07/22/06
Elder Brown and Elder Mortimer

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

2 - Year Anniversary

Well, today is mine and the boys' two year anniversary with the church. Boy, has it been a great change. I still need a lot of work on myself, but for the most part, I can say that since being in the church, our lives have been richer and plenty full of love. It has helped us learn how to discipline our kiddos and to "love before discipline" (famous words of my DH - darling husband).

But, I'm sure you guys are tired of hearing this from me, but I'll keep saying it all again and again. This church has changed our lives for the better. I truly cannot say where we'd be if we were not in the church. I see my oldest son, Nick, who has become pretty humble; which has surprised me amazingly. There have been instances where I would have to discipline him and would expect him to react angrily, but he doesn't. I am just amazed by how much he has grown up. Don't get me wrong, he still has his days where it seems like he may slip back in to bad habits; those are the days where you just have to make sure he doesn't. We're pretty good at catching hints. I guess we have to be so that we can remove the bumps in the roads for him. "Straight and narrow path" But, he's been the big change we've seen. The boys had scout camp for a week and he wanted to take my camera. I told him, what's going to happen if my camera breaks, he said he would put up his Nintendo DS Lite AND his Playstation PSP to buy me a new one. Well, guess what happend at the campout? My camera broke. And yes, he kept his word and has been true to it and not complained once. Yes, I finally sold it last week and will be buying a new camera hopefully.

Anyway, enough of this blabbing. Happy anniversary to us!